Sleeping beauty

I saw a rose in a desert,
In the silence of sand.
She is like a mirage to me,
With no water, no soil.
She standing tall, defying the law
I ask, how thou live in the heat of sun?
She rejoicing her essence and said
"Where nothing grows up, there’s chance of love
Love does not seek conditions,
It makes place in desert too".
I listened and smiled and walked
On the way, leaving a trail behind………
"I ask, how thou live in the heat of sun?"
And she said: "raat aane de...pata chal jaayega..."
I am Dracula.....
nice poem...true..but what knid of pic is it..i was right ..u r v.chalu..
Nice pic merged with nice words. Hell who the fuck is she?
This poem reminds me a very special book from my childhood .It is "Little Prince" by Saint-Excupery . Quest for love , philosophical questions about life ...
Unconditional love - it is something so much special everybody would love to experience .But it always needs :"give and take" .
You walked away ...
No new post my friend...cmon, you are making us wait too long. TOO LONG, my friend...too long!!!!
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