Saturday, June 07, 2008

The tiny palms

Mercury was melting down... the firmament was burning like hell…and the clock slowly inching towards a sacrosanct hour -12 o’clock- the meeting hour. I was running against time as I have already missed two early meeting hours and I can’t miss this one in a trot. I paced up my bike and in a moment she was talking to winds.
In the scorching heat, hardly a animal was visible on the road …my bike was clocking at 66 km per hour, and in few minutes I was just some distance away from attending the daily brainstorming session.
Suddenly, I had to put my brakes on as the traffic signal turned red and my bike after skidding a bit came to a halt. I was swearing at the signal like anything…as it was intolerable to stand for those few seconds under the sun which is beating hard on my head.
…there she was standing besides the yellow traffic signal enjoying the summer heat and hardly bothered about her dishevelled clothes. Her plaited hair in a dusty yellow strip of ribbon with a tuft of hair in front of her half shut eyes, the gleam in her eyes was quite visible as she glanced towards the red signal.

She jumped from there with a tattered cloth in her one hand and a smile floated on her face. In between her and me was a distance of three cars, I was trying to shield behind the third car driven by a middle aged person who was sweating like anything.
But in those moments of sweating his round eyes continuously veered towards the cornered temple.
I was strategically placed in a position from where I can silently observe the young girl, who had started working laboriously first on the window pane of the extreme left red car to me. I can only see a pair of glasses sitting in the cool comfort of her air conditioned car and her moving lips. The girl after polishing the bonnet of her car swiftly moved towards the wind screen where she was comfortably positioned in. The little girl knocked on the window...i didn’t see the glass pane sliding down… but yes saw those shadows of disappointment on the little girl's face. She then moved towards the another car silver coloured car wiping out the drops of sweat on her face...once again with her full energy she started clearing the hardly visibly dust on the glass pane of the car. The middle aged person smiled at her and she responded with a broad grin on her face and I saw fingers stretching out and dropping a coin in her tiny little palm. The day has started for her, she tossed the coin in air, grabbed it and then moved towards …


Blogger D said...

good headline, nice post.

4:22 AM  
Blogger Hudalight said...

Only a sensitive soul can see and feel this actions on the road! I am deeply touched thanks for sharing those special meditations....Huda

4:01 AM  

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